I am a graduate student in Bioengineering at Caltech. Previously, I worked as a research technician at Janelia Research Campus for a couple of years, completed my Master's in Molecular Biology in Göttingen and my Bachelor's in Chemistry from IIT Bombay. 'A tool developer' is what describes me best currently - in the dry lab, I was working on a systems biology project involving detection of trans-eQTLs from human transcriptome datasets using reverse regression for my Master's thesis. These are a subset of single nucleotide changes in our genome that have known effects halfway into the central dogma but have remained elusive because of low statistical power to identify them (by definition they are 'distal-to-the-gene' they affect, hence any of the (3*10^9 positions - a small window of 2*10^6)) Transitioning to a wet lab, I have been engineering proteins for various applications. They give off light in different forms - Some of them change color from green to red when you shine UV light on them, while others give light of various colors when oxygen reacts with the small chemical they bind to.
My happiest days are spent thinking, reading and thinking more about everything that is living and the spectacular ways in which life manifests itself all around us. It suffices to say that I am in awe of the living!